Friday, August 08, 2008

Favorite Actor Tournament Finals: Round 1, #18 – 9/4/08

Please choose one of the following actors to advance to round 2.

31) Hillary Swank
35) Jodie Foster

This was a close one coming down to the wire tied 3-3, until the clown put Swank over the top.


Hillary Swank (4-3)


Skippy said...

Jodie Foster

Jowink said...

What is the draw to Foster? I don't get it.

My vote is Hillary Swank

Unknown said...

Gotta go with Hillary Swank.

Unknown said...

Jodie Foster

Wulfgar111 said...

I'm going to have to go Hillary Swank on this one as well. Foster has had a couple of decent roles, but she has been annoying me more and more as of late and Swank just keeps making decent to good films.

Anonymous said...

Hillary Swank

Anonymous said...

Jodie Foster

Unknown said...
