Friday, August 08, 2008

Favorite Actor Tournament Finals: Round 1, #2 – 8/12/08

Please choose one of the following actors to advance to round 2.

32) Joaquin Phoenix
36) Clint Eastwood

In a late surprise, Joaquin Phoenix defeats Clint Eastwood 4-3 to move onto the round of 32. Eastwood had a 3-1 lead with 3 voters remaining, but Phoenix was able to sweep the final 3 votes to pull of the surprise win. However, will he be able to come close in the next round against powerhouse Robert DeNiro?


Skippy said...

Joaquin Phoenix

Wulfgar111 said...

Clint Eastwood

I'm not a huge fan of Eastwood, but Joaquin Phoenix just hasn't done quite enough yet to put him over the top. I do expect that before he is done he will be a better actor, though.

Anonymous said...

Clint Eastwood

Anonymous said...

Clint Eastwood

Unknown said...

Joaquin Phoenix!

Can't stand Clint Eastwood!!! You couldn't even bribe me with a cookie to vote for him, Kurt!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Joaquin Phoenix