Friday, August 08, 2008

Favorite Actor Tournament Finals: Round 1, #10 – 8/22/08

Please choose one of the following actors to advance to round 2.

29) Anthony Hopkins
33) John Malcovich

Well, it appears that Hannibal Lector beat out Teddy KGB 5-2 today.


Anthony Hopkins


Skippy said...

Sir Anthony Hopkins

Unknown said...

That's a tough one, but I'm going w/ Anthony Hopkins.

Wulfgar111 said...

This is a toughy. Anthony Hopkins is decent and has had many a good role. However, Malkovich is Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich.

So, I'll have to go with John Malcovich

Pyay the myan his myoney.

Anonymous said...

Anthony Hopkins

Anonymous said...

John Malcovich

Unknown said...

This one is a good match up...but I've gotta go with Anthony Hopkins!

I mean really---

"Hello Clarice"

Unknown said...

Tough One. Was thinking of Malkoich just to make it close but Katie got me with "Hello Clarise."

Anthony Hopkins!!!

Almost had me with pyay the myan his myoney!