Monday, September 22, 2008

Favorite Actor Tournament Finals: Round 2, #5 – 10/1/08

Please choose one of the following actors to advance to the round of 16.

4) Tom Hanks
29) Anthony Hopkins


Anthony Hopkins 4-3


Skippy said...

Anthony Hopkins

Hannibal all the way

Anonymous said...

Anthony Hopkins

Wulfgar111 said...

Hopkins is a decent actor who has really started going downhill over the last five or so years. I was never as big of a fan of him as Hannibal Lector as most were. Tom Hanks has probably had more good roles and performances over the last 20 years than anyone, with many being memorable, so I have to go with Tom Hanks.

Unknown said...

Tom Hanks

Anonymous said...

Anthony Hopkins

Unknown said...

I'm kinda shocked by this one!

Tom Hanks for sure!